In July 2020, our paper “Frailty Combined with Loneliness or Social Isolation: An Elevated Risk for Mortality in Later Life” was published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. In this paper we investigated the combined impact of physical frailty with loneliness or social isolation on mortality in older…
InCHIANTI frailty index validation
Last month, we have published a paper on the validation of a frailty index (FI) in the InCHIANTI study in the journal Aging Clinical and Experimental Research. The paper was written in collaboration with Sari Stenholm, Luigi Ferrucci, Stefania Bandinelli, Marco Inzitari and Matteo Cesari. Because of its sensitivity, the…
Central nervous system and frailty
Recently, Alexandra Vallet (Toulouse University Hospital, Toulouse, France) has published a paper on frailty in patients suspected of normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH) in the Journal of Neurology. We have assisted her with the frailty part of the study. Text from abstract: “Frailty is known to predict dementia. However, its link…
Newsletter 2 (Dec. 2019)
We try to provide regular updates on The Frailty Project through our Newsletter. The second newsletter is now available, containing information on the project, collaborations and publications. Click here to see all our newsletters.
Frailty series – The Lancet
This week, The Lancet has published a clinical series on frailty, featured on the front cover “Frailty: the new frontier of medicine”. Various international experts in the field of geriatric medicine worked together to provide an up-to-date overview of the clinical and public health impact of frailty in older adults,…
Frailty clinical practice guidelines
Last week, the task force of the International Conference of Frailty and Sarcopenia Research (ICFSR) published clinical practice guidelines for identification and management of physical frailty in the Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging. We have participated in the process of the development of the guidelines. The article is available…
Newsletter 1 (July 2019)
We try to provide regular updates on The Frailty Project through our Newsletter. The first Newsletter is now available, containing information on the project, vacancies, conferences and publications. Click here to download the first Newsletter of The Frailty Project Newsletter 1 (July 2019) – Click here
Vitamin K and frailty
In the end of 2018, Marcos Machado-Fragua, a PhD student from Madrid visited our Department for several months. During his stay he worked with data of the Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam, to study the longitudinal association between Vitamin K and frailty in older adults. Vitamin K status was based on dephospho-uncarboxylated matrix…
Natural course of frailty components
In the May issue of the Journals of Gerontology: Series A, our article on natural course of frailty components has been published. First author Sari Stenholm analyzed data from two cohort studies: the Italian InCHIANTI study and the Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam. The frailty phenotype was used, and data with…
Functional continuum and mortality
This week, our article “A new functional classification based on frailty and disability stratifies the risk for mortality among older adults: the FRADEA study” has been published on the website of the Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. In this article, we describe the validation of a new functional…