The final version of our paper “Inequalities in Frailty Among Older Turkish and Moroccan Immigrants and Native Dutch: Data from the Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam” has been published in the Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health (April, 2022).
In this study, we investigated frailty among Turkish and Moroccan immigrants and native Dutch aged 55–65 years in the Netherlands, using data from the Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam. The results revealed large disparities in frailty between native Dutch and immigrants of Turkish and Moroccan origin. We observed higher frailty scores among women, those with lower educational levels, and among people with a migration background. This pertained to both frailty levels and frailty prevalence (frailty index score ≥ 0.25). Of all groups considered, frailty scores were highest among Turkish immigrants.
The article can dowloaded here for free (OPEN ACCESS). We thank Maaike Muntinga, Sascha de Breij and Silvia Klokgieters for collaborating with us on this project.